-Independent Author-

Afrika (new)
Set in Tanzania, those lucky enough to survive watch as wild animals take over the streets and towns as they smell the pungent odour of death. Fleeing with others they find, they encounter small armed and angry mobs, out to eke revenge on any whites survivors....
Most books I write happen as I see them as I write, almost as if watching a dream or a movie. I have no synopsis or chapter plan at all, I just write as if I am already there and living it. However, this one I tried to plan it out and to be honest, at 5 chapters I've now put it on temporary hold as that just doesn't work for me. I'll revisit it in 2023 or just start again from scratch

Aurélien (new release)
Following the same pandemic that wipes out almost all of humanity, this novel is the detailed journey of just one character that appears in the novel Israel, below. His desire to reach the Himalayas on foot covers southern Europe, Turkey, Israel, India, Mongolia, Korea, Japan and all the way back to Israel. This fifteen year adventure will have you wishing you were there with him. Aurélien's highs and lows, the people he meets and loses, his eventual wife and children and all the strange events and unexpected encounters take you through an empty wonderful and sometimes dangerous world as he attempts to find himself in his quest to reach the Himalayas as a way to cope with all he has lost.

Dakota (new release)
Set in the Midwest from North Dakota southwards, the Sioux awake the deaths to find an opportunity exists outside the reservations. Their plans to rebuild a truly free nation, also touches on some events and characters within previous novels, 'Origin' and 'NYC'. This story focuses entirely on the Native American approach to the global disaster as they begin to transform to the old ways, something they always dreamed of. It also takes you into the spiritual and cultural aspect of the Sioux as they begin to rebuild the old world within a new world, and how they deal with conflict and the usual human proclivities.

Israel (new release)
In a country already divided by religion and territory disputes, the few who woke up alive after day three, begin the journey of their lives with the biggest question - how to live in a world changed forever by something they could not see. Learning, and not always successfully, to put aside the past, Israelis, Arabs and others forge a new life together, even cooperating in the removal of the most dangerous object imaginable in a post-apocalyptic reality. In lands immersed in thousands of years of religious conflict and co-existence will the old wounds flare up again?

Beginning with one woman in central Los Angeles, this story expands all over LA and Orange, extending to San Diego to San Fran in the search for survivors. It follows their fears and tribulations as they battle the elements, each other and a world changed forever to find meaning and purpose in a reality none had ever dreamed of.

Starting on the Big Island of Hawaii, this tale covers all the islands in the chain ending up in one place that can only be described as paradise (Palekaiko). Successful survival along with tragedy and death on a lava field, set the survivors on a path for a new life, a life free of worry. But life does not always deal out an even hand. As the story extends into 30 years ahead, there is a visit from those who sailed from Sydney and who appear in Book 2 of this series ( A New Death).
Novels Released (in order of release. Use slider or click on NOVELS tab above)

Novels yet to be released (click on NOVELS tab above to view)

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